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The new Leaders

A new generation is born, where the top talents are yet to be discovered. In our millennium, the future leadershave different origins, different ages and different genders. Rome Business School takes pride in encouraginggender equality and forming the new leaders of the world, men and women alike. Every year we see talent andmotivation blossom in so many different, yet equal forms. Everyone has the right to aspire to excellence.

What are the characteristics of the modern leaders?

Actions That Inspire, the new leaders demonstrate their commitment and passion in every meeting, presentation, and in how they handle customer problems. The leader’s behavior must inspire employees to act in the same way.

Passionthe inspirational leader feels passionate about the vision and mission of the organization. They are also able to share that passion in a way that enables others to feel passionate, too.

Listening, the inspirational leader listens to the people in their organization. Talking to people about your passion is not enough. To share meaning—a favorite and meaningful definition of communication—you must allow the ideas and thoughts of your staff to help form the vision and mission, or minimally, the goals and action plan.

Inclusionto experience inspiration, people need to feel included. Inclusion goes beyond the realm of listening and providing feedback. For real inclusion, people need to feel intimately connected to the actions and processes leading to the accomplishment of the goals or the final decision.

Integrity and Trustvision and passion are important, but your employees must trust you if you want them to feel inspired. They must believe in your integrity and see it played out in decision-making and treatment of customers and employees.

Checklist of a Successful Leadership Style:

  • Be the person others would like to follow;
  • Provide future visions;
  • Provide inspiration;
  • Make people feel important and appreciated;
  • Live your values. Behave ethically;
  • Set the pace through your expectations and example;
  • Establish an environment of continuous improvement;
  • Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally;