This exclusive conference, organized by PWA – Professional Women Association, in joint venture with Rome Business School with patronage by Comune di Roma – Roma Capitale – Assessorato Scuola, Sport, Politiche Giovanili e Partecipazione, will take place on the 27th of May at Macro Testaccio in Rome.
With speakers like Daniela Cerboni, Vice President American Express Services Europe, Massimo Falcioni, CEO Middle East Countries at Coface and other successful European leaders we will explore new trends and develop a roadmap to create a sustainable future leadership model for both businesses and individuals.
Be with us to exchange, connect, grow, dare and make a difference in tomorrow’s world. Participate to sustain this initiative and inspire the generation of future leaders.
Participation fee €20/pp.
18.30 Registration
19.00 Welcome
Carol Bourg – President, PWA
Antonio Ragusa – Founding President, Rome Business School
19.05 The future is in our hands
Paolo Masini – Assessore Scuola, Sport, Politiche Giovanili e Partecipazione, ROMA CAPITALE
19.20 Research Team, Moderator & Topic Trends Introduction
Carol Bourg – President, PWA
19.25 Setting the scene: the people we met, the leadership roots
Research Team – Sonia Biondi, Isabella Cattan, Simona Orlandi – PWA
19.30 The traits of a leader today and tomorrow
Research Team – Sonia Biondi, Isabella Cattan, Simona Orlandi – PWA
19.50 Vertical Development
Daniela Cerboni – Vice President, American Express Services Europe Ltd.
20.00 In The Drivers’s Seat
Giuseppe Musciacchio – General Manager, Arena sportswear & swimwear
20.10 Collective Leadership
Alessia Guidotti – Business Analyst, Lottomatica-IGT
20.20 Leadership & Technological Innovation
Simonetta Iarlori – COO Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
20.30 Multicultural Leadership
Massimo Falcioni – CEO Middle East Country Coface
20.40 Tomorrow’s Leadership
Research Team – Sonia Biondi, Isabella Cattan, Simona Orlandi – PWA
21.00 Closing activity and opening cocktail
Carol Bourg – President, PWA Moderator Cristina Barbiero – PWA
For more information and confirmation, please contact, indicating that you have been invited by the Rome Business School.